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About Us

If God is for us then who can be against us? – Romans 8:31

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In time I hope that this really becomes an “about us” page, unfortunately it is currently an “about me” page. 


After working for a couple well established automotive websites I found one thing to be true. The growth mindset that is endemic in the automotive industry is not sustainable. It doesn’t matter what anyone tells you, more can never be more. We live in a world with finite resources, any means of propulsion requires the use of these resources, be it electric or ICE.


The internal combustion engine has largely been condemned in the media, but that has never really been the real problem. The industry itself is the problem. Any large scale industry that wants to generate profit needs to eat up valuable resources, then more resources to market, and yet more to sell their product. Marketing has evolved into a dynamic beast and we are all vulnerable to falling for it, no matter how intelligent we perceive ourselves to be. 


We are trained to want that “shiny new toy.”


That shiny toy can easily be framed as a need, but in reality, what we actually need looks somewhat different. At LJMotors we aim to promote a culture of moderation. If you are fortunate enough to already own a motorcycle, we want to show you how to get the most out of what you already have by featuring great value gear and accessories. If you don’t own a motorcycle yet, we want to help you find the right bike for you, not what any particular company wants you to think you need, but a bike that fits your needs best. 


In an industry that thrives on excess, selling more motorcycles than ever before, we want to counter that by showing you how motorcycles can last a lifetime with the right care and maintenance. 

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